Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Postcard Information

Seneca – Cayuga tribal members,
One thing I have learned about tribal elections is issues mean little. They only serve as arguing points. Hostilities develop and negative campaigning is the norm. To address an issue you must know the state of the tribe and that is a closely guarded secret. I would like to tell you that I can accomplish great things in the next two years, but until I can get a clear picture from the inside it’s hard to know what might be possible. So if I can’t tell you I can make everything great, why should you vote for me.

Four Reasons to Vote for Calvin
You are tired of being in the majority and being governed by a small minority.
You understand the value of education and see it as a necessary for true leadership
You value honesty and integrity.
You are looking for a Native American Advocate with a tribal heritage.

If you are tired of the same old thing, be adventurous

Our Tribe is Broken - Help Start the Healing.

Vote For Calvin Cassady - Chief

Election Day - June 4th - 8-3 - Tribal Community Center
Absentee Request Formsavailable at and our due before May 5th

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