Wednesday, October 5, 2011

October Business Committee Report

Summary of October 4th meeting of the Business Committee of the Seneca Cayuga Tribe of Oklahoma
Meeting was called to order by Chief Howard. A quorum was declared. Present, Chief Howard, Charles, JR, and Richard. Absent, Jerry, medical reason, Geneva and Katie, Las Vegas for Gaming Conference.
Charles reported on his trip to Tahlequah for a celebration of the Keetoowah Cherokee. Last spring the SC had donated a buffalo to the tribe. A representative of our tribe was invited to participate in their celebration. The SC was the only one of the nine tribes in Ottawa County to assist in their tribal development. The Keetoowah finally placed their first piece of property in trust.
Robert Wolfinbarger reported on one of the SC’s newest businesses, Seneca-Cayuga Commercial Furniture. The objective of this business is to sell, design and project manage the installation of furniture, filing solutions, and accessories for commercial and governmental buildings and related construction projects. New lines of business are being identified to add to the competitive advantage of SCCF. The sales cycle for furniture is long so it is expected that new offerings will be made by SCCF to expedite positive cash flows, create perpetual income, strengthen the relationship with prospective customers and better serve the local community.
The casino reported $573,976.84 was transferred to the tribe in September. The remainder of the discussion centered around the audit and the recommendation that two item be resolved before the next audit. One was a $2,000,000 entry that resulted in an arrangement between the tribe and the casino. The second was a $250,000 debt owed to SC by Caywill vendors. Many attempts have been made to collect this debt with no success. It was the auditor’s suggestion that both items be written off, or a resolution in these issues be reached before the next annual audit.
The Lodge reported a loss of $8,399.19 for the month of August. Rick felt that the Lodge’s opening was delayed thus keeping it from being a major player for summer traffic. He also reported that the event center remodel is nearing completion and should be ready to host holiday parties.
The Tobacco Factory reported an August profit of $125,245. Sales were the best in several years. Some of the reported income was from brokerage fees. BC members were cautioned to expect lower profit in September because taxes had to be paid out in September. Wholesale business in Kentucky and soon in Indiana will give the company some consistency in sales. It was also reported that the Tobacco Company is currently trying to secure a contract with I-Max, and international company. Successful closure on this deal could result in full production within 6 weeks.
The Smoke Shop reported net income for August of $27,434.03. It was reported that Skydancer Pipe Tobacco is now being offered.
A bright spot in the meeting was the report that the Skydancer Convience Store in New York reported an August profit of $329,861.64. Discussion is taking place on the leasing of additional space in the convenience store complex. The Chief also reported that on a recent New York trip, that a New York Casino issue is back in consideration..
Following the reading and approval of the minutes a number of resolution were acted on.
One, a resolution requesting a 40 acres parcel of land purchased in the summer be placed in trust.
Next, a resolution to apply for a Rural Health Network Planning Grant. This is a no match grant.
Next, a resolution to allow a Service Line Agreement between the City of Miami (Utilities), and the SC tribe.
The final resoultions were three requests for Tribal Relinquishment Orders involving minor children.
The Business Committee approved all of the resolutions.
When questioned about those attending the Gaming Conference in Las Vegas, the chief reported that Geneva and Katie were attending representing the BC.
He also reported that Sally Leaf, Bill Fisher, and Lenora Sparks. It was reported that there expenses were paid with claims moneys.
When requested, the following claims financial was offered. You might look at the transfer of funds from Bereavement, $22,555,.35 as a possible source for funding their La Vegas trip.

Cash Account Balances – Claims, Bereavement, Elder Assistance
September 30, 2011
Opening Balance – Claims 71,764.59
August 2011 Casino Distribution 143,494.11
Transfer from Bereavement 22,555.35
Stipends (5,277.65)
Travel Expenses (5,773.41)
Administrative Costs (1,849.44)
347 Checks to Tribal Members (208,825.43)
Balance – 10010 – Claims 16,088.12

Opening Balance – Bereavement 78,605.43
4 Check to tribal members (13,279.50)
Travel Expenses (2,555.35)
Transfer to Claims (22,555.35)
Balance 10011 – Bereavement 40,112.38
Opening Balance Elder Assistance 504.79
August 2011 Casiino Distribution 144,795.30
128 Checks to Tribal Members (113,957.45)
Balance 10013 Elder Assistance 1,342.64

A summary of Program Reports for September will follow in a separate post.